The Buried Moon


“One night in the fens the moon became curious about the tales she had been told of the many monsters that dwelled in these marshy lands and she wandered too close…”

This is my first illustration in what I hope will be a series of drawings from local folk tales. It’s a project I have been dreaming up for several years now since I became fascinated with local folk tales. I have been captivated by “The Buried Moon”, since I discovered it in a book of childrens’ stories and realised originated from the Lincolnshire Carrs - an area very similar to the Cambridgeshire Fens. Then I was thrilled to find that Phillip Pullman had featured it in the latest instalment of his “book of dust” trilogy, “the secret commonwealth”. It can be found in many collections of British folk and fairy tales and is sometimes called “the dead moon”.

The Buried Moon, Digital illustration by Elizabeth Ault

The Buried Moon, Digital illustration by Elizabeth Ault

I am aiming to illustrate as many local tales as I can. If you know any good stories please contact me via my contact page. I would love to hear them. Follow


The Seventh Swan