
Lizzie Ault Lizzie Ault

The Real Easter Bunny?

I recently read about an interesting link between Lapwings, a popular fenland bird, and Easter eggs.

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Wildlife, Folklore Lizzie Ault Wildlife, Folklore Lizzie Ault

The Folklore of Christmas

Mistletoe is a classic plant of Christmas decoration. It was considered rather magical because of the way it grows as if floating in trees. In reality mistletoe is hemiparasitic meaning it takes nutrients from trees in order to grow. The seeds are spread via birds who eat the berries and wipe the sticky seeds from their beaks onto the branches where they take root and grow. Mistle Thrushes get their name from the plant but Blackcaps are the most voracious consumers of mistletoe according to the British Trust for Ornithology.

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Folk Tales, Wildlife Lizzie Ault Folk Tales, Wildlife Lizzie Ault

Of Harvest and Hedgerow

Our modern relationship with hedgerows is largely positive with the popularity of foraging growing as people strive to reconnect with nature and the past. However I was surprised to find that hedgerows were often feared in the past as they symbolised boundaries between the safe, ordered fields and the wild world beyond.

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Folk Tales Lizzie Ault Folk Tales Lizzie Ault

The Quickening

This illustration was first inspired by the true account of Elizabeth Woodcock, a Cambridgeshire Woman who, in 1799 got buried in the snow where she remained, alive, for 8 whole days before being rescued.

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Folk Tales Lizzie Ault Folk Tales Lizzie Ault

The Buried Moon

“One night in the fens the moon became curious about the tales she had been told of the many monsters that dwelled in these marshy lands and she wandered too close…”

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